Friday, November 8, 2019

Essay on Masking Poor Communication

Essay on Masking Poor Communication Essay on Masking Poor Communication Essay on Masking Poor CommunicationThe main aims of the assignment are to demonstrate my thoughts on the article â€Å"Masking Poor Communication†, and to use real life example to illustrate them better.The article â€Å"Masking Poor Communication† gave me a new understanding of the issue that miscommunication is a part of human life and that the same words and actions can be understood in different ways by two persons. The article proved that each person has the own way to react and understand the world around; so, miscommunication can negatively impact on relationships between people who are close to each other. According to Dotinga (2011), there exists an opinion that people commonly are sure that it is much easier to communicate with close people that with strangers, but this confidence in the same reactions may lead to the fact that people â€Å"overestimate how well they communicate, a phenomenon we term the closeness- communication bias.†In my own life, th ere was a case of miscommunication with my father. It was several years ago, and it was connected with the fact that we had different views on the same thing. I always considered that the present for birthday should be a surprise; moreover, I was so sure that all people think at the same way that I didn’t ask my father about the present. But, the situation had a bad consequences because my father wanted to receive the one thing and I presented him something quite another, so, he was disappointed by the present. I realized that it is impossible to avoid miscommunication in the future because everything can happen, but I also understood that it is better to ask additional questions and to make the subject of communication more clear than to think that the other person is same to you. Mortensen Ayres (1997) mentioned that all people have their own life experience and were educated in different conditions, so, different points of views are a part of normal communication, and it is always necessary to remember this fact for the purpose to avoid miscommunication with close people.Thus, the moral of the article is to show that nobody can read the thoughts of other person, and taking into account the fact that people can change everyday, we should be ready for these changes and to react on them in fast and adequate way.

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